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Class Action Updates

January 9, 2025

This case was certified as a class action following a decision released by the BC Supreme Court on January 7, 2025.

December 20, 2024

Two new settlements have been reached with KOA Corporation and KOA Speer Electronics, Inc. (“KOA”); and Susumu Co., Ltd and Susumu International (USA) Inc. (“Susumu”)….

November 14, 2024

As of September 23, 2024, the defendants have sought leave to appeal the Court of Appeal decision to the Supreme Court of Canada.


Autoparts Class Action: Settlement Updates

Autoparts Class Action: Settlement Updates

Settlements have been reached in the following actions:

Alternators, Automatic Transmission Fluid Warmers and Oil Coolers, Automotive Brake Hoses, Automotive Hoses, Fuel Injection Systems, Heater Control Panels, Inverters, Motor Generators, Occupant Safety Systems, Oxygen Sensors, Radiators, Spark Plugs, Starters, Steering Angle Sensors, Switches, and Windshield Wiper Systems.

The settlements are subject to court approval in Ontario, British Columbia and Quebec. The Ontario Court will hold a hearing to decide whether to approve these settlements at Osgoode Hall, 130 Queen Street West, in the City of Toronto on May 13, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. Depending on the status of the COVID-19 situation, the Ontario hearing may proceed by videoconference, teleconference or in writing. The Quebec Court will hold a hearing to decide whether to approve some of these settlements virtually on May 31, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. In accordance with the Canadian Judicial Protocol for the Management of Multi-Jurisdictional Class Actions, if the Ontario Court approves the settlements, the BC settlement approval applications will be heard in writing.

The settlement funds (plus interest, less court-approved fees and expenses) are being held in trust for the benefit of settlement class members.

The links below will redirect you to the long form notice which outline the nature of the settlements:


For additional information on this class action, please click here.

Auto-Parts Distribution

Approved – Automotive Wire Harness Systems, Air Flow Meters, Electronic Control Units, Fan Motors, Fuel Senders, Power Window Motors, and Windshield Washer Systems.

Settlements have been reached with all defendants in the Automotive Wire Harness Systems, Air Flow Meters, Electronic Control Units, Fan Motors, Fuel Senders, Power Window Motors, and Windshield Washer Systems actions and the Courts have approved protocols for the distribution of the settlement funds. The deadline to apply for compensation has passed.

Update April 2021: On behalf of Settlement Class Members who elected to assign their settlement benefits to charity, the Claims Administrator has provided the charities with your contact information and requested the charities issue charitable tax receipts. You do not need to take any further action in order to apply for the charitable tax receipt. All Settlement Class Members who were unable or failed to deposit their Interac e-transfer will be reissued payment via cheque. Cheques will be mailed in May 2021.

Please visit www.autopartsettlement.ca for further details.

Boilermakers’ Pension Plan – Settlement Agreement approved

On February 4, 2021, Mr. Justice Mayer, the case management judge in the Boilermakers’ Pension Plan action approved the settlement agreement, the distribution plan and appointed the defendant as the Administrator with respect to the Distribution Plan. You can access the oral reasons for judgement here.

For more information on this class action, please visit our Boilermakers’ Pension Plan webpage.

Optical Disc Drive Price Fixing

The British Columbia ODD class action will be certified for settlement purposes as against the Panasonic Defendants. For more information on this class action, click here.

Certification Granted and Proposed Settlement Reached in Canadian Parking Heaters Class Action

Camp Fiorante Matthews Mogerman LLP, Foreman & Company and Belleau Lapointe, s.e.n.c.r.l. are  pleased to announce that certification has been granted and a proposed settlement has been reached in the Canadian Parking Heaters Class Action.

A Parking Heater is a component used in commercial vehicles to warm the engine and cabin in lieu of idling the vehicle. A Parking Heater is defined in the lawsuit to mean a parking heater, accessories and parts sold for use with heaters, packages containing heaters and accessories and/or parts for parking heaters that were manufactured or sold by the Defendants for use in a commercial vehicle during September 13, 2001 and December 31, 2012.

You can find more information on our Parking Heaters Price Fixing page and on Foreman & Company’s website.

YOUR OLD SOFTWARE OWES YOU MONEY, Make a claim to get up to $250 cash for individual licenses or get up to $650 in vouchers for Volume Licenses without proof of purchase

Claims process for settlement funds – make a claim now.

If you are a Canadian resident as of May 25, 2016 who, between December 23, 1998 and March 11, 2010 (inclusive), purchased a license for:

1.  PC versions of Microsoft’s Word, Excel, Office, Work Suite, or Home Essentials applications software (including any full upgrade versions); OR

2.  PC versions Microsoft’s MS-DOS or Windows operating systems software.

The claims process is now open. The deadline to make a claim is September 23, 2021. Please note that this includes purchases of computers with eligible software pre-loaded.

Claims can be submitted online at www.thatsuitemoney.ca. If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or please call 1-833-451-8815.

Please see the Notices to read more about the claims process:

Visa Mastercard June 26, 2020

The New Settlements were approved by courts in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Quebec. The Court’s decisions approving the settlements can be found in the section of this website. The settlement approval decisions have been appealed by Wal-Mart and Home Depot. Appeals (or applications for leave to appeal) brought by Wal-Mart and Home Depot were dismissed by the appellate courts in British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec and Saskatchewan.  A final appeal is pending before the Alberta Court of Appeal and is scheduled to be heard on October 8, 2020. If you have any questions about the appeals, please contact the class lawyers at [email protected].

Foreign Exchange Manipulation (ForEx) Class Action – New Settlement

A settlement has been reached in the litigation with Bank of Montreal, BMO Financial Corp., BMO Harris Bank N.A., and BMO Capital Markets Limited (“BMO”) for $250,000.